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Who are the MEN in CHRIST the KING? What's our Mission?
We're encouraging, inspiring, and training men to be authentically Catholic leaders, both lay and ordained, in whatever roles and organizations they may be called.
An Apostolate of Like Towards Like... We're striving to live as believing, participating, apostolic Catholic men in the charism and bond of authentic masculinity. In the surroundings of our families, work, professions, leisure and social groups we are best qualified to be of help to our brothers.
"In [these] areas laymen can conduct the apostolate of like towards like. There the witness of their life is completed by the witness of their word." (1)
"Through Him, and with Him, and in Him..."
In and With the Church... We're a private association of Christ's faithful within the Church. (2) In prayer and action, we support clergy and religious, are active in parish life, approved Catholic men's organizations, and are fully through with and in the Church.
Our fundamental duty: "The responsibility of professing the Catholic faith, embracing and proclaiming the truth about Christ, the Church, and humanity, in obedience to the Church's Magisterium..." (3)
Strength in Numbers... We're working to enlist as many men as possible to participate in Catholic men's events, organizations, and the greater life of the Church. Together we are truly willing to "Fight the good fight of faith..." (4) An army is more effective than a few soldiers fighting alone.
"Organizations created for group apostolate call for concerted action... and as a result a much richer harvest can be hoped for from them than if each one were to act on his own... " (5)
The Culture War... We do not shrink back from controversial issues. As our culture descends into increasing irreligion, anti-Christian, Marxist-inspired "woke" doctrines, gender confusion, promotion of abortion, infanticide and euthanasia, abuse of children, denigration of parental authority and family life -- we will speak up, stand our ground, and be ever ready to defend the tenets of the Catholic faith. We judge our present culture in light of the Gospel and Church teachings. We will firmly admonish those who seek to "reinterpret" or even condemn key tenets of Christianity in order to accord with increasingly errant cultural dictates and unjust laws, and encourage all to find the eternal Truth in Sacred Scripture and Church Tradition as they are stated.
Political Conflict, Division... We stand ready to defend our God-given civil rights of free speech, lawful assembly, free exercise of religion, equal justice under law, and the right to responsible self defense. (6) We encourage a just and loyal patriotism. However, we at the same time seek to minimize political conflict and -- without surrendering civil law, sacred doctrine, faith and morals -- seek peace and harmony with all.
"Citizens should cultivate a generous and loyal spirit of patriotism, but without narrow-mindedness... Christians must be conscious of their specific and proper role in the political community: they should be a shining example by their sense of responsibility and their dedication to the common good." (7)
Scandal and Disorder... We likewise hold firm and fatherly boundaries against abuse, disorder and unjust dissent within the Church. We hold each other, the religious, the clergy and hierarchy to manly, brotherly account. We defend the sacred Magisterium and orthodoxy.
Christ's faithful, "have the right, indeed at times the duty... to manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. They have the right also to make their views known to others, but in doing so they must always respect the integrity of faith and morals, show due reverence to the Pastors, and take into account the common good and the dignity of individuals." (8)
The Law of Love Above All Else... This is our only, the ultimate, "battle tactic":
"Think with sober judgement... Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them... Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all... Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God... No, 'If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink...' Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (9)
"Hate is not creative; only love is creative... A single act of love returns the soul to life." (10)
-- St. Maximilian Kolbe, Patron of Men in Christ the King
1.) Apostolicam Actuositatem, "Intensifying the Lay Apostolate", Vat. II, Decree: Ch.III.13, 18 Nov.1965; 2.) The Code of Canon Law, 25 Jan.1983, Can. 298-301; 3.) Christifideles Laici, "Christ's Faithful People", Ch.II.30, Pope St. John Paul II, 30 Dec.1988; 4.) 1 Tim. 6:12, RSV Catholic Edition, 2001; 5.) Apostolicam Actuositatem, Ch.III.18; 6.) Constitution of the United States of America, Amendments I, II., 15 Dec,1791; 7.) Pastoral Constitution: Gaudium et Spes, "The Church in the Modern World", Vat. II, 7 Dec.1965, Ch.IV.75; 8.) The Code of Canon Law, 25 Jan.1983, Can. 212 Sec. 2,3; 9.) Romans 12:3,14,19, 20-21, RSV Catholic Edition, 2001. 10.) Treece, Patricia. A Man for Others: Maximilian Kolbe the Saint of Auschwitz. Libertyville, IL: Marytown Press, 2013.
© 2023 All rights reserved, Krasne Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation and (509)(a)(2) public charity. "MEN in CHRIST the KING" is a men's apostolate affiliated with Krasne Foundation. Donations ARE deductible for federal income tax purposes. Note: Opinions and sources linked here are not always those of Men in Christ the King, the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, or the Catholic Church itself. They are referenced for educational and informational purposes only. *Note: "MARKED MEN FOR CHRIST" is an independent non-denominational Christian men's ministry promoted by Krasne Foundation, but not formally connected with it. Opinions and sources linked here are not always those of Marked Men for Christ.
The next Midwest PHASE 1 Weekend is approaching fast! Friday, March 14th thru Sunday 16th, 2025. Location: Camp Mack, Milford, Indiana. DON't MISS OUT!
The PHASE 1 Weekend Experience...
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